NY Post - KEVIN Federline may have morning sickness, which
could last for nine months when he reads this - but this is to tell him
his on-again-off-again-and-for-sure-lately very on-again romance with Shar Jackson
seems to have produced yet another baby between them. She's into her
seventh week, and at the instant I write this he doesn't know. Star
magazine is saying she's hoping this brings them back together as a
family. Ugh. Oy. Eee-yewww. Kevin the Insect.
SO, Mrs. Carmela Soprano, how do you feel now that the series sleeps with the fishes?
"I now actually feel great," said Edie Falco.
"I never expected something this huge would ever have happened, and
it's terrific that it did, but I understand life has to move on. It's
time. I'm ready. I'm a grown-up. And since this was nothing that was
planned, I'm sure something else that wasn't deliberately planned will
also come into my experience.
"Sure, I was a little scared at
first. But that fear of 'Oh, God, what'll I do?' - this fear of life
after the show has begun to subside. My son fills my life and means
more to me than anything. I may even adopt another child. I have free
time all of a sudden. I have friends."
Will she be set for life with the residuals?
"Please. We get nothing. No residuals. This show began on a small
scale. Nobody knew this would turn out to be anything when we started.
So there wasn't that kind of deal made. Look, don't get me started on
the subject of residuals."
SO, care to hear how a
big-time major star who's not only the toast but the caviar of Broadway
got herself ready for the Tony Awards telecast? Per Hugh Dancy, star of B'way's "Journey's End":
"Sunday afternoon, when everyone else was either rehearsing their lines
or getting set to walk the red carpet or rehearsing in some way for the
Tonys, Vanessa Redgrave was at our show. She came to the
matinee. And was in no hurry. In a gesture very characteristic of her
generosity, she even came backstage afterward to congratulate us all
and tell us how much she loved it. Then what happened was, we actually
gave her one of our dressing rooms to get dressed in to go right from
us to the Tonys."
SO, Mamie Gummer, daughter of Meryl Streep,
how's it feel to newly suddenly freshly be a big-time full-fledged
movie star? I asked this at the Cinema Society screening of Focus
Features' film "Evening," which co-stars Hugh Dancy, Claire Danes, Patrick Wilson, Vanessa Redgrave and her daughter Natasha Richardson, Meryl Streep and her daughter Mamie Gummer, and Glenn Close, who plays Mamie's mother because I guess they thought Meryl wasn't the right type.
Said this young gorgeous stunning blonde: "Looking at myself magnified
on this huge screen was terrifying. It was terrible. All I could stare
at was my teeth. I couldn't tear my attention away from the teeth. In
my whole life, never before had I noticed that one tooth was longer
than the other."
The width of my eyebrow pencil, this
incredibly beautiful creature was poured into a black Valentino, which
"I'm crossing my fingers they let me keep." She then said: "And I'd
always thought I looked like my father. But there is no doubt now that
I see myself up there on the screen that I actually look like my
And how come she's so grounded and poised and
natural, and certain people who shall be nameless but are now sitting
in jail in L.A. are not?
"We spent five years in California. I
hated it. It's intoxicating but I felt it sucking life out of me.
Fortunately my mom understood that and moved us all to the East Coast,
where you can live a very sane, ordered, normal life."
MORE about "Evening." Photographers bitched at this VIP screening be
cause co-stars Hugh Dancy and Claire Danes met on this movie, are now
closer than Lindsay Lohan and her drug counselor but, for whatever reason, as types like Sam Waterston, Bernadette Peters, Dick Cavett, Lynn Redgrave, Christy Turlington
trudged onto the red carpet, weren't posing together . . . Claire Danes
on her tight elastex-type dress snug against her super-perfect bod:
"Don't let the wardrobe fool you. It's very restricting. I eat a lot.
But I also exercise a lot." . . . Virginia Madsen, also in the
film, arrived in Chanel. "So how much did you earn on this movie?"
asked a bigmouth columnist. Said Virginia: "Not enough."
THE New York Symphony played Car negie. A yellow slip in the program
said: "This program is being recorded. We ask you to hold your applause
until the conductor ends each work - by lowering his arms."
Only at Carnegie Hall, kids, only at Carnegie Hall.
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