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« It was like being there with this... | Main | The inconvenient truth about this... »

February 05, 2007


kdc (itsallgood8)

'A Saudi Arabian judge sentenced 20 foreigners', oh geez why did they even go over there. Learn the laws I guess 1st. Scary situation.


On the other hand... if you're going to spend money to travel to a foreign land to kick up your heels and party (a subject about which I know little), isn't Saudi Arabia at or damn near close to the bottom of the list of target destinations?



Foreigners yes, but I read somewhere that some figure these had to probably be Philippine laborers, since no names of Americans or Europeans were named in any press accounts.

The Saudi Family are such hypocrits, an American friend of a friend of mine works over there. He works with some of the princes and he goes to their wild parties, where they have some of the best weed, scotch and Turkish 'call-girls' petro-dollars can buy.

absurd thought-
God of the Universe says
outlaw dancing...

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