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« Jihad in the hometown of this... | Main | A breaththrough compromise on this...? »

April 04, 2006



>It is always the Christians and the westerners that have to change<
Why is that? It seems that's ALWAYS the case if any group that doesn't fit either of these categories is "offended".

In my own experience, if I, as a Christian and a conservative, question someone or make a negative comment regarding a person's belief or non-belief, or their lifestyle based on that, I am condemned for being judgemental, arrogant, and offensive. At the same time, if someone questions or ridicules my own belief or values and lifestyle choices that are based on Christian teaching or conservatism, they are being ________? Can someone fill in the blank for me, please, because it seems it's not the same standard, for some reason. We are expected to be tolerant, yet if we speak out against or for our own values, we are not tolerated. It's puzzling to me, and frustrating.

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