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« The dangers of encouraging the idleness of this... | Main | The biggest wedding that never took place in this... »

March 18, 2006


Steel Turman

Ya know Tall Glass, religion just pisses me off as a rule.

But, I have learned to live with it.

Throughout history there have been 'sects', cults really, that have splintered off from the basic mainstream concept of religion ie. the pursuit of God or spirituality.

Hitler was an example of how a bastardized religion can wreak havoc.

The most insane of them were the 'Breatharians'.

Jim Jones was another splinter.

Scientology is right in there with those.

Think about this ...

When was the last time an educated (that is beyond High School) person espoused Scientology?

Didn't happen.

A great sadness comes over me when I see stupid people trying to explain their existence with cliches and simple thoughts.

I read once that the reason children prefer cartoons is because they are unable to 'process' reality.

The simple pictures are enough for them.

Yeah. And the same can be said for adults who never obtained that definition except by the passage of time.


Where was Hayes when South Park was making fun of every religion under the sun?

He was at the bank cashing his checks.

I'm sick of whiners with fake outrage.

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