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« Mispronouncing this...? | Main | DJ Dumbass loses his wife--and Lotus--over this... »

June 21, 2005



My question is, where is Emperor Xenu in all this? Seriously, last time I tried to bring this stuff up on my blog I suddenly started getting weird comments from people talking about how wonderful Scientology is.

Don't forget Cruise warning us about psychiatrist. They, after all, helped pack all the evil body thetans onto the giant rocketships...

The one I heard was that that big tooth in the center of his upper jaw is an indicator of genetic problems, which would explain why he likes to adopt, but then, I'm not scientist... (Also, the whole "serial killer laugh" freaks me out, too... and mind the herpes...)

David St Lawrence


You could have saved yourself accumulating all of the misinformation you printed, by walking a few blocks to the Church of Scientology complex on Fountain and asking questions yourself.

If you have already done so and still have these concerns, you have at least checked out the source. MSM is not a reliable source of information, as you well know, and most of the disinformation about Hubbard, Scientology, and celebrities in Scientology originated in the MSM.


[You could have saved yourself accumulating all of the misinformation you printed]

It was no bother.

[by walking a few blocks to the Church of Scientology complex on Fountain and asking questions yourself. If you have already done so and still have these concerns, you have at least checked out the source]

Not only have I been there, I've taken their tests free personality and IQ tests at the Hollywood location, and they're still recruiting me after 4 years. I have also taken the tour of the main building and watched the videos, etc. and have read two of their books (Dianetics isn't one of them).

[MSM is not a reliable source of information, as you well know, and most of the disinformation about Hubbard, Scientology, and celebrities in Scientology originated in the MSM.]

That's why I made a point of labeling the info as info from the fact files and rumor mills. But, from what I hear TSOS doesn't allow the MSM to print accurate information about them (see: controversy surrouding Time Magazine's 1991 article).

[most of the disinformation about Hubbard, Scientology, and celebrities in Scientology originated in the MSM.]

I'm not so sure it's all disinformation, but that's why I linked to the official TSOS site and to non MSM sites by those who have defected from TSOS so there were many different lenses for which the readers to look at this...

David St Lawrence

Thanks for the feedback. I had noted that you gave a range of sources to consult.

Tom Cruise is not being a shining example of anything except a young man with more charm and money than sense.

Who among us has not done something along those same lines. Some of us have made the same mistake more than once!

At some future time he will undoubtedly say, "What was I thinking?"

Tom Cruise is not being a shining example of anything except a young man with more charm and money than sense.
Dude's what, 42? At what point are you obligated to quit using youth as an excuse and get a little sense?

Did you read Scarlett Johanssen's encounter with the thetans? A pack of laughs. Katie doesn't breath without her Scientology "buddy" next to her. For once, I agree with Europe, let's call a cult a cult.


The Emperor
Hail Xenu!!!


The Emperor
Hail Xenu!!!


" Space Opera as Theology: Scientology's OT III
This page is dedicated to the analysis and criticism of what Scientologists must consider to be the most significant document in the history of the human race: L. Ron Hubbard's "OT III". (See legal notes below.) The first page of this historic work, jotted down in Hubbard's own hand, is presented herewith:"
end quoted


OT-III - Copyright Notice

Yes, we understand that the OT-III materials are copyrighted to Church of Scientology or one of it's departments and by publishing the materials we possibly violate the copyright.

Let us analyze the Russian Criminal code. Article 146 punishes "use of copyrighted objects and plagiat" with up to 5 years of imprisonment. We do not USE the copyrighted texts, we only DISCLOSE them. (Our lawyers clearly state that "USE" means obtaining some profit from it). And we do not claim authorship for OT III, we state, confirm and try to prove that the OT III is really written by L.R.Hubbard, inventor of Dianetics and founder of Church of Scientology, and the quotations of the said OT III, published elsewhere, are authentic. And BTW Article 183 "Disclosure of commercial secret" does not apply since the OT III was already published during the Fishman's case.

Then look at Article 39 "Extreme necessity". We have enough information to believe that the secrecy around OT III directly threatens us and our rights and rights of other persons as well as interests of society and state as a whole, and that our disclosure is the only method we are able to use against this danger (Paraphrasing the Article 39) and so we are freed from criminal punishment for this disclosure.

The criminal activities of CoS are abundant:

* Too many cases, including Lisa McPherson's case. Article 127. Illegal imprisonment. Article 124. Denial of help to the patient.
* Too many cases. Article 129. Diffamation.
* Too many cases. Article 110. Induction to suicide.
* Too many cases. Article 111. Severe health harm.
* Too many cases. Article 137. Personal data collection.
* Too many cases, including Fishman's case. Article 159. Fraud.
* Too many cases. Article 163. Extortion.
* Case of online auction that was forced to remove E-meter bid. Article 178. Monopoly.
* Too many cases. Article 182. Knowingly false advertisement.
* Too many cases. Article 235. Illegal medical business.
* Too many cases. Article 239. Creation of organization, threating personality and rights of citizens.
* Too many cases. Article 291. Giving bribe.
* Lisa McPherson and other cases. Article 309. Buying or threating a witness.

Look at the fresh specimen (In our translation from Russian, names censored by us):


To all ORGs.
To all Missions.

Declaration of suppressive person.

[censored][censored] from Vladivostok, Russia, is hereby declared Suppressive Person (SP). More...

"Also within Scientology is the rather enlightened principle that SP's may be lied to, cheated, harassed, and "destroyed"; it is what used to be called the "fair game" policy." (Quote from Frequently Asked Questions on alt.religion.scientology Version 1.02, 05/12/95)

Of course, we shall add here the more precise translation of Russian Criminal code and links to published cases if needed.

You should remember that:

* We reside in Russia, not in Western world. Russia is the country with the culture of disseminating secret texts (called "Samizdat") and traditional disregard of any copyrights.
* Russia is the country where the power of Russian Orthodox Church is stronger than the power of Russian Constitution itself, and where the Orthodox Church has decided that the CoS is the "Destructive Cult of Satanic Orientation".
* Russia is the country that recently survived a lot of financial pyramids - almost every voucher fund appeared to be a pyramid. So, almost every citizen of Russia is the determined enemy of anything pyramidal, including the CoS.
* CoS has a very bad reputation here. Even the shops that traditionally sold a lot of Dianetical literature do it in secrecy now.
* The literature salespersons state that Dianetical literature is not openly sold now since CoS is directly prohibited by Governmental decision. We try to obtain the said Decision.
* Order No.254 of Russian Health ministry requires "Do not allow promotion and use of Scientology and Dianetics methods".

So, the materials will remain here. If somebody wants us to remove them, we shall be very glad if he does so. He should require this in Russian court, where he will confront lots of documents collected in Internet, the local Orthodox Bishop and a crowd of angry reporters. And we shall use this opportunity to popularize the OT-III materials. We are absolutely sure that if he does so our region will be lost for CoS forever.

In the Russian court he will be in a very interesting position: if the documents placed here are authentic, then the Xenu leaflet is correct and everybody in the courthall will laugh as laughed our lawyer. And if the documents are not authentic then you have no cause to object. Are you going to be laughed at?

Of course, we expect the local CoS members to use the"fair game" policy. But proudly being the citizens of Russia and believing in her prosperity we simply have no right to be afraid. We have a good-standing reputation here, we are mostly single persons and we have nothing to lose. And, BTW, we also can bring the CoS to the court.

Xenu will prevail!

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