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March 10, 2005


Rachel Ann

That is one wonderful man. I hope Michael S. takes him up on it. The woman deserves a chance. And to be starved to death...It is so horrifying.

The Chemist

That's just about the worst thing I have ever heard. Paying someone a million dollars to go against what he thinks is best for his wife? Pathetic.

Look, there's a reason that the legal right to decide medical treatment rests with the spouse and not the parents. The people suing and begging to keep Terry Schiavo alive have absolutely no legal recourse, and should just stay out of what is, in the end, an intensely personal decision between husband and wife.

tired of liberal bs

Funny how some will fight to defend the life of someone on death row. Even someone who doesn't want to live. Yet they find trying to save Terry's life disgusting. Figures.

Guess we will really know the husband's intention if he takes the money.


Terry's ****head husband has NEVER been interested in ANYthing but the money. He has no respect for her or her family, and is only interested in her death because he profits from it.
I will admit that I am not sure what is the best course of action for Terry. The reason for that is that if I was in such a state for that long of a time period, I don't know that I would want to continue living. I do know however that I wouldn't want to be starved to death.
Better that her parents have the decision power than some money hungry worthless POS jackass who would kill her himself if given the chance.

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