My letter to Ahnuld regarding this...
Dear Governor Schwarzenegger,
You are my favorite Governator ever. I was pleased with myself for voting for you when you kept your promise about the vehicle registration tax, the illegal aliens drivers' licenses and the passing of the budget. I was also thrilled that you listened to your constituents' pleas not to change the no-kill laws in animal shelters.
You can imagine my disappointment when I heard that you "made a deal" for licenses for illegal Mexican immigrants with Senator Cedillo, a former MEChA member who is biased and discriminatory against non-hispanics.
I am really hoping you will not disppoint us and that you will veto this bill. When I voted for you I was counting on you, as a successful legal immigrant, to demonstrate your appreciation and respect for the immigration process in this country. I never imagined that you would allow yourself to be pressured by those who feel superior to the law-abiding citizens and legal immigrants of this country.
Senator Cedillo doesn't even think a license to an illegal alien should be distinguishable from a legitimate license. He says that would be discriminatory. But if it isn't distinguisable from a legitimate license then it becomes much more than a driver's license doesn't it? It becomes a form of legal identification which affords a whole host of benefits, many at the expense of us taxpayers, some which jeopardize national security.
Who decides who has to follow the rules and who doesn't? What kind of sense does it make to offer legal documentation to those who are unwilling to follow the law? Where will it end? Will we next start issuing licenses to kill to members of al-Qaeda?
Why on earth would we start issuing legal documentaion to one group of illegal aliens? How is it that we have the resources and willingness to this but we don't have the same to deport these lawbreakers? Will I be afforded the same leniency if I break a law?
Sure it might sound ridiculous, but so does offering illegal aliens legal identification.
Instead we should deport them back to Mexico and tell them to get in line and do it like everybody else. Why shouldn't the government want to keep as close of tabs on illegals as citizens and legals? Shouldn't it be the other way around?
Hoping you see it my way,
Posted by: orion | July 12, 2005 at 02:39 PM