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« Swiftly sinking this... | Main | Frank Burnsing a Purple Heart like this... »

August 04, 2004




You learn fast. I've been here since last August (oooh Drink this...'s 1 year anniversary is coming) and probably still couldn't sum the blogging up as succinctly.

So, of course you're welcome for the "real-world education," but more than that you are thanked for being a real-world thinker.

And even more than that, you are appreciated for indrectly filling my glass with all that high praise in your blogging points. It's quite overwhelming to know that in knowing/learning all of that, you became and are still a faithful reader (and now contributer) of Drink this... and with a full glass of humility, I accept it all!

King of Fools

I like it. Especially because I think I meet all ten criteria.

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