It's already widely know that I am one of those loyal NASCAR fans the sports' sponsors love. I keep Bud and Coca-Cola in my fridge, Gillette in my bathroom and drive a GM. I prefer Lowe's over Home Depot, but somehow the Redskins fit in here too. I haven't made the switch to this yet, but that's only because I'm still under contract to this evil entity.
Anyway, earlier this week while randomly roaming the blogosphere and came across a guy spearheding a boycott against George W. Bush's supporters. Of course, that was all the inspiration I needed to do just the opposite.
So, this Wictory Wednesday you are encouraged not only volunteer and donate, you are also encouraged to research and support those who are supporting our president's re-election.
Here are the top contributors for 2004 to G Dubya's campaign. Put your money where our future is and open an investment account at Morgan Stanley or Merrill Lynch, and if you need an attorney, hire Vinson & Elkins, not these guys.
If I have time, I'll be back with more links cause...
The Wictory Wednesday blogroll:
ugh, agreed about sprint being evil.
Posted by: sarahk | May 26, 2004 at 09:10 PM