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I love baby phat!!!!!!!!!! I love baby phat iM the number ####1 BabyPhat lover!! ya'll heard


Thank you for writing this article and providing this forum to share thoughts. I really needed this tonight.

I just finished watching Kimora's new reality show and I was inspired. I jumped online to see if she had written a book and found that she had. Thank you for your comments, it will hold me over until the 21st :)

I am doing my first hair show presentation at a beauty pageant/fashion show this weekend. It has been hell, and I have been totally uninspired.

I am also mixed and have never found a secure spot in any group of black women. I, like Kimora once was, always seem to be the butt of jokes/fall guy, etc. Although I know I am very talented and beautiful, at work (the salon) I have found myself being quiet and feeling negative. I am putting a bushel over my own light. Its been quite sad.

In my heart, I know the right thing to do, but I have found myself thinking and acting poorly.

Seeing Kimora overcome her obstacles has encouraged me to fight harder and let my light shine. Emotionally, I still feel very drained and doing this show is going to be a big challenge. I'll peek back in and let you know how it goes.



somers lewis

My name is Somers i have been inquiring about the round green stone bracelets kimors wears all the time with the diamonds around the stones and bracelet part who makes them . Please tell me the designer of those bracelets she wears. She also has them on in the vibe magazine page 104.


Although I personally don't have Kimora's millions and ALL of her type of luxury, I also feel inspired by her to just be the best budget friendly version of her own style and bring my own over-the-top version of myself completely forward. I don't let money be an issue in terms of what I can't do, but what I can do and how much I can do with my own finances. Yes indeed all of us that admire Kimora's style in various aspects should just livin things up in our own worlds and social circles the best way we can and feel good and look good doing it. If you have to reinvent yourself, do it...especially if you feel life would work out for the better if you do! I no longer feel shy or hesitant to bring my true personal style to life. I've also read Kimora's book "Fabulosity...." and truly got alot out of it. I've read it more than once as a matter of fact, and still make reference to it once in a while. So basically, I think it's easy to say or feel that it's easy for her because she has so much financially that she has easy access to all things luxury. But realistically too, everyone don't have what she has and may never have it. So why not do the best that we can with what we have and work hard to inhance what we have in our everyday worlds and lives.


i want to be just like kimora she keeps it real she is successful and she has lots of fabulosity and she is so fabulous i love her

michelle blannon

hi, this is michelle and i wanna be be a fashion model just like kimora, she is my favorite model and my dream is to model for babyphat.her agency tried to contact me once throught a modeling website i had about 2 years back and im now 18 and i still have not contacted her if u rare reading this contact me please at my user name is blannon michelle and i think you would just love my pictures.they will be posted in 48 hours.


Kimora has a great sense of style! Thanks for the review of her book, Fabulosity...looks like I'm going to have to go out and buy it for myself! I've been a fan of Kimora since the first season of her reality show and I've been watching her ever since! Love the new season!


I LOVE BABY PHAT AND FABLOUSITY AND KLS I'M YOUR #######################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################################1 FAN I WEAR BABY PHAT EVERY SINGLE DAY 24/7 ALSO THANK YOU FOR WRITING THIS ARTICLE I'M GOING TO TELL MY fRIENDS ALSO EVERY THING YOU SAID IS THE TRUTH

YOUR #############################################1 FAN AMINA


Hey Kimora its Charmaine and i really love the way you live.(fabulousity) I would really like to work for you in some way. contact me bye


Kimoraa its Tanishaaaa -
ilovee your stuff shoot i have a whole closet full of your stuff and my mom loves you she has a tattoo of your design but ilovee you kimoraaa

- your number 1 fann nishaaa <3

Vain Jane

Hi! :)

Kimora inspired me to have a strong persona.
I have her book by the way. She even inspired me to have my own blog and share stuff I learned from her book to other females all over the world.

coach sale

Television is NOT real life. In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.

Round and Brown

Television is NOT real life. In real life people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.

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