Chrissy Wallace, daughter of NASCAR driver Mike Wallace and niece of former champion Rusty Wallace, has signed with Germain Racing as a truck series development driver. She will begin running ARCA and short-track races for the team in June.
Quoting this...
"She's a good, real cute girl who will mix it up with the guys. The first team that gets one female driver in the Cup will be helped from a marketing standpoint."~ Team Owner Bob Germain
Her last name won't hurt marketing efforts any either. I think I speak for most Answer this... readers when I say we'd all like to see Chrissy make it to the Cup series one day.
But hey, Mike, better keep an eye on your lil' one. And be very wary of any NASCAR owner who goes around saying your daughter is "a real cute girl." I'm not suggesting anything ... I'm just saying. See also: Ray Evernham / Erin Crocker.