Rick and Linda Hendrick with Emily Maynard at the Grand Opening
of the Levine Children's Hopsital
It doesn't officially open it's doors until next month, but the Levine Children's Hospital in Charlotte, N.C. held their grand opening last week. The new 11-story, 234-bed kid-friendly facility will be the largest children's hospital between Atlanta and Washington, D.C. and will offer more comprehensive pediatric medical services previously not available in Charlotte.
Several independent donations made the new facility possible, including a three-million dollar gift from NASCAR owner Rick and wife Linda Hendrick. In recognition of the gift, Levine Children's Hospital will name its pediatric intensive-care facilities in honor of the Hendricks' late son, Ricky Hendrick.
The Ricky Hendrick Centers for Intensive Care, encompassing the sixth floor of the new hospital on the campus of Carolinas Medical Center, will house the facility's pediatric intensive-care unit and the region's first pediatric cardiovascular intensive-care unit. Lauded by planners as the hospital's "heart and soul," the Centers will treat the most critically ill and injured children from across the region. The Centers will feature a five-room sleep inn for parents, two private family waiting areas, a large open waiting space and a state-of-the-art business lounge.
Quoting this...
Rick Hendrick: "Our son placed a great importance on doing one's part to help others.
He had a passion for making a difference in people's lives, which is
exactly what Levine Children's Hospital will do for families of this