Dale Earnhardt Jr. answers one of the most popular questions here at Answer this... himself.
Q. Does Dale Jr. have a girlfriend?
Quoting Junior on this...
"I've got this girl I'm seeing. It's going great. We get to see each other pretty much whenever. But I ain't in no big rush. I enjoy being single. The fun thing about being single is you don't have to answer to anybody. If I want to go up there and race on the computer against my buddies four nights in a row and stay up until 7 in the morning, I can do that.
"I've had instances in the past when I should have kept things a little more under wraps. It's just no good (to talk). People find out who she is. Then they get online and tear her down and pick her apart." [ Jan. 11, 2007]
USA TODAY interview: At home with Jr.
[TGOM thinks out loud: Junior might want to share his "it's no good to talk" thoughts with the "girl he's seeing." The photos of the two of them that Elizabeth has posted on MySpace over the past few months aren't doing much to prevent people from finding out who she is.]
Just a thought.
See also: Dale Jr. is dating this...